Results for 'Juan P. Prieto'

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  1.  13
    Publius at Naupaktos: The First Macedonian War and Phlegon of Tralles’ anti-Roman Prophecies in De Mirabilia 3.Juan P. Prieto - 2022 - Klio 104 (2):587-618.
    Summary A brief state of the art for Phlegon of Tralles’ De Mirabilia 3 anti-Roman prophecies is followed by a reassessment of four of its components: the historical identification of the Roman protagonist “Publius”, Naupaktos as the main stage for the prophecies, the multiple meanings of the Red Wolf as well as the Oak Tree, and the Roman military retreat. By analyzing these specific elements, it will be argued that these presages were not only associated with events during the Antiochean (...)
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    Crítica de libros. [REVIEW]Myriam Hernández Domínguez, Juan David Almeyda Sarmiento, Leopoldo José Prieto López, David Rojas Lizama, Hugo Furones Gabaldón, José Carlos Sánchez-López, Guillermo García Santos, Abel P. Pazos, Emilio Martínez Navarro, Rafael Ruiz Andrés & Piedad Yuste Leciñena - 2020 - Isegoría 63:667-704.
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    Long games and σ-projective sets.Juan P. Aguilera, Sandra Müller & Philipp Schlicht - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (4):102939.
    We prove a number of results on the determinacy of σ-projective sets of reals, i.e., those belonging to the smallest pointclass containing the open sets and closed under complements, countable unions, and projections. We first prove the equivalence between σ-projective determinacy and the determinacy of certain classes of games of variable length <ω^2 (Theorem 2.4). We then give an elementary proof of the determinacy of σ-projective sets from optimal large-cardinal hypotheses (Theorem 4.4). Finally, we show how to generalize the proof (...)
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    CONSTITUCIÓN APOSTÓLICA DE S. S. JUAN XXIII para fomentar el estudio de la lengua latina.Juan P. P. Xxiii - 1962 - Augustinus 7 (26):227-232.
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    The consistency strength of long projective determinacy.Juan P. Aguilera & Sandra Müller - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (1):338-366.
    We determine the consistency strength of determinacy for projective games of length ω^2. Our main theorem is that $\Pi _{n + 1}^1$-determinacy for games of length ω^2 implies the existence of a model of set theory with ω + n Woodin cardinals. In a first step, we show that this hypothesis implies that there is a countable set of reals A such that M_n(A), the canonical inner model for n Woodin cardinals constructed over A, satisfies $A = R$ and the (...)
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  6. Decision-Making by Handball Referees: Design of an ad hoc Observation Instrument and Polar Coordinate Analysis.Juan P. Morillo, Rafael E. Reigal, Antonio Hernández-Mendo, Alejandro Montaña & Verónica Morales-Sánchez - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  7.  24
    Strong completeness of provability logic for ordinal spaces.Juan P. Aguilera & David Fernández-Duque - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (2):608-628.
  8.  31
    Shortening clopen games.Juan P. Aguilera - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (4):1541-1554.
    For every countable wellordering $\alpha $ greater than $\omega $, it is shown that clopen determinacy for games of length $\alpha $ with moves in $\mathbb {N}$ is equivalent to determinacy for a class of shorter games, but with more complicated payoff. In particular, it is shown that clopen determinacy for games of length $\omega ^2$ is equivalent to $\sigma $ -projective determinacy for games of length $\omega $ and that clopen determinacy for games of length $\omega ^3$ is equivalent (...)
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  9.  47
    Projective Games on the Reals.Juan P. Aguilera & Sandra Müller - 2020 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 61 (4):573-589.
    Let Mn♯ denote the minimal active iterable extender model which has n Woodin cardinals and contains all reals, if it exists, in which case we denote by Mn the class-sized model obtained by iterating the topmost measure of Mn class-many times. We characterize the sets of reals which are Σ1-definable from R over Mn, under the assumption that projective games on reals are determined:1. for even n, Σ1Mn=⅁RΠn+11;2. for odd n, Σ1Mn=⅁RΣn+11.This generalizes a theorem of Martin and Steel for L, (...)
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    Reactivar el sentido más allá del presente. Jacques Derrida y Walter Benjamin: una historiografía abierta al porvenir.Juan P. Lamela - 2024 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 57 (2):253-270.
    Derrida hizo del acontecimiento el principio de la historicidad. Asimismo, mediante la noción de “lo mesiánico sin mesianismo” definió la forma en que cada ahora se encuentra abierto al porvenir, a lo que viene, como el acontecimiento, sin ser anticipado. La historicidad teleológica de Husserl excluye el acontecimiento y hace del presente el tiempo donde se reactiva el sentido pasado que asegura el desvelamiento continuo de la razón en la historia. Al contrario, una historia como la que propone Walter Benjamin (...)
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  11.  19
    Teaching and Learning Process of Decision-Making Units in Talented Young Players From U-10 to U-14.Juan Carlos Pastor-Vicedo, Alejandro Prieto-Ayuso, Onofre Ricardo Contreras-Jordán, Filipe Manuel Clemente, Pantelis Theo Nikolaidis, Thomas Johannes Rosemann & Beat Knechtle - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  12. Unconscious learning. Conditioning to subliminal visual stimuli.Juan P. Núñez & Francisco de Vicente - 2004 - Spanish Journal of Psychology 7 (1):13-28.
  13. Role of endothelial integrins in flow transduction: A review and a novel experimental approach.Juan P. Reyes, Ricardo Espinosa-Tanguma, María A. Basurto, Ulises Meza, Patricia Pérez-Cornejo, Jorge Arreola & Rafael Rubio - 2006 - Episteme 2 (8-9).
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    Unsound inferences make proofs shorter.Juan P. Aguilera & Matthias Baaz - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (1):102-122.
    We give examples of calculi that extend Gentzen’s sequent calculusLKby unsound quantifier inferences in such a way that derivations lead only to true sequents, and proofs therein are nonelementarily shorter thanLK-proofs.
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    Influence of boundary structure and near neighbor crystallographic orientation on the dynamic damage evolution during shock loading.Juan P. Escobedo, Ellen K. Cerreta, Darcie Dennis-Koller, Carl P. Trujillo & Curt A. Bronkhorst - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (7):833-846.
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    A topological completeness theorem for transfinite provability logic.Juan P. Aguilera - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (5):751-788.
    We prove a topological completeness theorem for the modal logic $$\textsf{GLP}$$ GLP containing operators $$\{\langle \xi \rangle :\xi \in \textsf{Ord}\}$$ { ⟨ ξ ⟩ : ξ ∈ Ord } intended to capture a wellordered sequence of consistency operators increasing in strength. More specifically, we prove that, given a tall-enough scattered space X, any sentence $$\phi $$ ϕ consistent with $$\textsf{GLP}$$ GLP can be satisfied on a polytopological space based on finitely many Icard topologies constructed over X and corresponding to the (...)
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  17.  24
    The order of reflection.Juan P. Aguilera - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (4):1555-1583.
    Extending Aanderaa’s classical result that $\pi ^{1}_{1} < \sigma ^{1}_{1}$, we determine the order between any two patterns of iterated $\Sigma ^{1}_{1}$ - and $\Pi ^{1}_{1}$ -reflection on ordinals. We show that this order of linear reflection is a prewellordering of length $\omega ^{\omega }$. This requires considering the relationship between linear and some non-linear reflection patterns, such as $\sigma \wedge \pi $, the pattern of simultaneous $\Sigma ^{1}_{1}$ - and $\Pi ^{1}_{1}$ -reflection. The proofs involve linking the lengths of (...)
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    Differences Between High vs. Low Performance Chess Players in Heart Rate Variability During Chess Problems.Juan P. Fuentes-García, Santos Villafaina, Daniel Collado-Mateo, Ricardo de la Vega, Pedro R. Olivares & Vicente Javier Clemente-Suárez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Background: Heart rate variability (HRV) has been considered as a measure of heart-brain interaction and autonomic modulation, and it is modified by cognitive and attentional tasks. In cognitive tasks, HRV was reduced in participants who achieved worse results. This could indicate the possibility of HRV predicting cognitive performance, but this association is still unclear in a high cognitive load sport such as chess Objective: To analyse modifications on HRV and subjective perception of stress, difficulty and complexity in different chess problem (...)
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  19.  31
    The Seinsfrage and the place of the objective in Heidegger's early work.Juan P. Hernandez - unknown
    The thesis is guided by the question: What is the subject matter of Heidegger’s philosophy in the period of Being and Time? I start by arguing that Heidegger’s formulation of the question of being is ambiguous because the term ‘being’ is open to at least two interpretations. I claim that this ambiguity has motivated two types of reading of Heidegger’s early work. On the first reading, Heidegger’s philosophy is understood as attempting to infer metaphysical claims (claims about what-is, or being (...)
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  20.  11
    Ne Spadones Fiant: Domitian's Emasculation Ban.Juan P. Lewis - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (1):257-270.
    This article questions the prevailing opinion that Domitian's prohibition of castration was intended as a protective measure devised to check masters’ abuses on their slaves, as part of a larger trend towards more enlightened attitudes towards slavery among the Romans. While brutal, castration was the only type of mutilation which increased the monetary value of slaves. Banning it curtailed slaves’ chances of social climbing and narrowed their channels towards positions of power. The emasculation ban is, instead, better understood as one (...)
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  21.  70
    The Material Life of Roman Slaves by Sandra R. Joshel, Lauren Hackworth Petersen (review).Juan P. Lewis - 2015 - American Journal of Philology 136 (4):709-712.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Material Life of Roman Slaves by Sandra R. Joshel, Lauren Hackworth PetersenJuan P. LewisSandra R. Joshel and Lauren Hackworth Petersen. The Material Life of Roman Slaves. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014. xv + 286 pp. 16 color plates. Hardback, £65.00.This is an original book, even though it is does not contain new research or new findings. The title may be somewhat misleading. Rather than (...)
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  22.  42
    Animal Models of Maladaptive Traits: Disorders in Sensorimotor Gating and Attentional Quantifiable Responses as Possible Endophenotypes.Juan P. Vargas, Estrella Díaz, Manuel Portavella & Juan C. López - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  23. Recubrimiento pulpar y pulpotomía, como alternativas de la endodoncia preventiva.Juan P. Reyes, Ricardo Espinosa-Tanguma, María A. Basurto, Ulises Meza, Patricia Pérez-Cornejo, Jorge Arreola & Rafael Rubio - 2006 - Episteme 2 (8-9).
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    Modernidad hermenéutica en Maimónides a partir de una exégesis contenida en "Dalālat al-ḥa’irīn" (Morê nebuḵîm) I, 2.Juan P. Monferrer Sala - 2005 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 12:73.
    One of the modern features in Maimonides’ exegesis is the interpretation of the figurative and symbolic concepts which can be found in the Biblical text. To this respect, the task developed by the Cordovan writer place the texts before new hermeneutic possibilities of analysis which offer original readings from his interpretation.
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    Contextual Factors and Decision-Making in the Behavior of Finalization in the Positional Attack in Beach Handball: Differences by Gender Through Polar Coordinates Analysis.Juan A. Vázquez-Diz, Juan P. Morillo-Baro, Rafael E. Reigal, Verónica Morales-Sánchez & Antonio Hernández-Mendo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  26.  14
    La labor polemista de los cristianos orientales y su contribución a la difusión del saber en el oriente musulmán.Juan P. Monferrer Sala - 2000 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 7:61.
    Within the polemic work which was developed by Eastern Christians it is necessary to underline the transmission of the whole of the religious conceptions, the kinds of argumentation and defence of the dogma, the elaboration of the discourse, the debate techniques used, the vocabulary which was adapted and generated, the rewriting developed from the Biblical material and Quranic criticism, as well as the refutations of the Muslim ideas, and the huge information which is inside the intrachristian polemics. Theology is the (...)
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    Dynamics of Simultaneous and Imitative Bodily Coordination in Trust and Distrust.Carlos Cornejo, Esteban Hurtado, Zamara Cuadros, Alejandra Torres-Araneda, Javiera Paredes, Himmbler Olivares, David Carré & Juan P. Robledo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Mixed Methods in Decision-Making Through Polar Coordinate Technique: Differences by Gender on Beach Handball Specialist.Juan A. Vázquez-Diz, Juan P. Morillo-Baro, Rafael E. Reigal, Verónica Morales-Sánchez & Antonio Hernández-Mendo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Commentary: Attentional control and the self: The Self-Attention Network.Adolfo M. García, David Huepe, David Martinez, Juan P. Morales, Daniela Huepe, Esteban Hurtado, Noelia Calvo & Agustín Ibáñez - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Effects of social and affective content on exogenous attention as revealed by event-related potentials.Vladimir Kosonogov, Jose M. Martinez-Selva, Eduvigis Carrillo-Verdejo, Ginesa Torrente, Luis Carretié & Juan P. Sanchez-Navarro - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (4):683-695.
    ABSTRACTThe social content of affective stimuli has been proposed as having an influence on cognitive processing and behaviour. This research was aimed, therefore, at studying whether automatic exogenous attention demanded by affective pictures was related to their social value. We hypothesised that affective social pictures would capture attention to a greater extent than non-social affective stimuli. For this purpose, we recorded event-related potentials in a sample of 24 participants engaged in a digit categorisation task. Distracters were affective pictures varying in (...)
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  31.  28
    Data Mining in the Mixed Methods: Application to the Study of the Psychological Profiles of Athletes.José L. Pastrana, Rafael E. Reigal, Verónica Morales-Sánchez, Juan P. Morillo-Baro, Rocío Juárez-Ruiz de Mier, José Alves & Antonio Hernández-Mendo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Entre el mito y la crítica: la memoria del 68 francés.Juan María Sánchez-Prieto - 2018 - Arbor 194 (787):432.
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    An Ising Spin-Based Model to Explore Efficient Flexibility in Distributed Power Systems.Francisco Prieto-Castrillo, Amin Shokri Gazafroudi, Javier Prieto & Juan Manuel Corchado - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
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    Chile: Acceptability of a Training Program for Depression Management in Primary Care.Rigoberto Marín, Pablo Martínez, Juan P. Cornejo, Berta Díaz, José Peralta, Álvaro Tala & Graciela Rojas - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Detection of Jihadism in Social Networks Using Big Data Techniques Supported by Graphs and Fuzzy Clustering.Cristina Sánchez-Rebollo, Cristina Puente, Rafael Palacios, Claudia Piriz, Juan P. Fuentes & Javier Jarauta - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-13.
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    Distributed Sequential Consensus in Networks: Analysis of Partially Connected Blockchains with Uncertainty.Francisco Prieto-Castrillo, Sergii Kushch & Juan Manuel Corchado - 2017 - Complexity:1-11.
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  37. Dynamics of brain networks in the aesthetic appreciation.Camilo Cela-Conde, Juan García-Prieto, José Ramasco, Claudio Mirasso, Ricardo Bajo, Enric Munar, Albert Flexas, Francisco del-Pozo & Fernando Maestú - 2013 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (Supplement 2):10454–61.
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    Tipos Historicos del Filosofar FisicoInvitacion a Filosofar (Vol. II-El Conocimiento Filosofico)El Poema de Parmenides. (Atentado de Hermeneutica Historicovital)Sobre Estetica griega.P. Romanell & Juan David Garcia Bacca - 1944 - Journal of Philosophy 41 (21):581.
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    Housing policy in Spain between 1939 and 1976.Daniel Navas-Carrillo, Javier Ostos-Prieto & Juan-Andrés Rodríguez-Lora - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 18 (2):1-17.
    The research focuses on the study of public housing built in response to the urgent housing needs in Europe throughout the 20th century. These developments share many of the characteristics of their European counterparts. The Spanish case presents certain peculiarities in its development. The research aims to analyse the context -social, economic and political- that conditioned the massive construction of housing in Spain between 1939 and 1976. An analysis is made of the approved urban planning legislation, housing regulation and the (...)
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  40.  22
    Order in Implication Zroupoids.Juan M. Cornejo & Hanamantagouda P. Sankappanavar - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (3):417-453.
    The variety \ of implication zroupoids and a constant 0) was defined and investigated by Sankappanavar :21–50, 2012), as a generalization of De Morgan algebras. Also, in Sankappanavar :21–50, 2012), several subvarieties of \ were introduced, including the subvariety \, defined by the identity: \, which plays a crucial role in this paper. Some more new subvarieties of \ are studied in Cornejo and Sankappanavar that includes the subvariety \ of semilattices with a least element 0. An explicit description of (...)
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  41.  20
    A Logic for Dually Hemimorphic Semi-Heyting Algebras and its Axiomatic Extensions.Juan Manuel Cornejo & Hanamantagouda P. Sankappanavar - 2022 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 51 (4):555-645.
    The variety \(\mathbb{DHMSH}\) of dually hemimorphic semi-Heyting algebras was introduced in 2011 by the second author as an expansion of semi-Heyting algebras by a dual hemimorphism. In this paper, we focus on the variety \(\mathbb{DHMSH}\) from a logical point of view. The paper presents an extensive investigation of the logic corresponding to the variety of dually hemimorphic semi-Heyting algebras and of its axiomatic extensions, along with an equally extensive universal algebraic study of their corresponding algebraic semantics. Firstly, we present a (...)
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  42.  29
    Blockchain-based land registry platforms: a survey on their implementation and potential challenges.Yeray Mezquita, Javier Parra-Domínguez, María E. Pérez-Pons, Javier Prieto & Juan Manuel Corchado - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (6):1017-1027.
    In recent years it has been demonstrated that the use of the traditional property registry models involves the risk of corruption along with long waiting times. This paper points out the main problems associated with conventional models and makes a survey of the new ones that are based on blockchain technology. This type of model is already being developed as a proof of concept by different countries. With the use of this technology in land registry systems, it is possible to (...)
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  43.  18
    Do microenvironmental changes disrupt multicellular organisation with ageing, enacting and favouring the cancer cell phenotype?Simon P. Castillo, Juan E. Keymer & Pablo A. Marquet - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (2):2000126.
    Cancer is a singular cellular state, the emergence of which destabilises the homeostasis reached through the evolution to multicellularity. We present the idea that the onset of the cellular disobedience to the metazoan functional and structural architecture, known as the cancer phenotype, is triggered by changes in the cell's external environment that occur with ageing: what ensues is a breach of the social contract of multicellular life characteristic of metazoans. By integrating old ideas with new evidence, we propose that with (...)
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  44.  27
    A note on chain‐based semi‐Heyting algebras.Juan Manuel Cornejo, Luiz F. Monteiro, Hanamantagouda P. Sankappanavar & Ignacio D. Viglizzo - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (4):409-417.
    We determine the number of non‐isomorphic semi‐Heyting algebras on an n‐element chain, where n is a positive integer, using a recursive method. We then prove that the numbers obtained agree with those determined in [1]. We apply the formula to calculate the number of non‐isomorphic semi‐Heyting chains of a given size in some important subvarieties of the variety of semi‐Heyting algebras that were introduced in [5]. We further exploit this recursive method to calculate the numbers of non‐isomorphic semi‐Heyting chains with (...)
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    Dynamics of a Predator-Prey Population in the Presence of Resource Subsidy under the Influence of Nonlinear Prey Refuge and Fear Effect.Sudeshna Mondal, G. P. Samanta & Juan J. Nieto - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-38.
    In this work, our aim is to investigate the impact of a non-Kolmogorov predator-prey-subsidy model incorporating nonlinear prey refuge and the effect of fear with Holling type II functional response. The model arises from the study of a biological system involving arctic foxes, lemmings, and seal carcasses. The positivity and asymptotically uniform boundedness of the solutions of the system have been derived. Analytically, we have studied the criteria for the feasibility and stability of different equilibrium points. In addition, we have (...)
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    Semi-Heyting Algebras and Identities of Associative Type.Juan M. Cornejo & Hanamantagouda P. Sankappanavar - 2019 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 48 (2).
    An algebra A = ⟨A, ∨, ∧, →, 0, 1⟩ is a semi-Heyting algebra if ⟨A, ∨, ∧, 0, 1⟩ is a bounded lattice, and it satisfies the identities: x ∧ ≈ x ∧ y, x ∧ ≈ x ∧ [ → ], and x → x ≈ 1.
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    Blockchain-based architecture for the control of logistics activities: Pharmaceutical utilities case study.Yeray Mezquita, Roberto Casado-Vara, Alfonso González Briones, Javier Prieto & Juan M. Corchado - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Logistics services involve a wide range of transport operations between distributors and clients. Currently, the large number of intermediaries are a challenge for this sector, as it makes all the processes more complicated. To face that problem, we propose a system that uses smart contracts to remove intermediaries and speed up logistics activities. Our new model combines smart contracts and a multi-agent system in a single platform to improve the current logistics system by increasing organization, security and getting rid of (...)
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    The “Plaza de la Dignidad” as a Scene of Protest. The Cultural Dimension in understanding the Chilean October Event.P. Juan Pablo Paredes - 2021 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 17:27-52.
    How did cultural factors participate in the event of October in Chile? How were these factors related to each other? What implications did they have for collective action and social life? The purpose of the article is to carry out a cultural reading of the October event. To do this, a dialogue is proposed between cultural sociology and cultural studies, applied to the October protest movement, resorting to interpretive research tools. The appropriation of Plaza Italia, in Santiago, by the protesters, (...)
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    Residual stresses in ceramic-to-metal joints: diffraction measurements and finite element method analysis.M. Vila, C. Prieto, J. Zahr, J. L. Pérez-Castellanos, G. Bruno, M. Jiménez-Ruiz, P. Miranzo & M. I. Osendi - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (35):5551-5563.
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    Invitacion a Filosofar. [REVIEW]P. R. & Juan D. Garcia Bacca - 1941 - Journal of Philosophy 38 (24):667.
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